Manuelle Miller member of the Steering Committee
Manuelle Miller

Manuelle Miller

Civil Society College - Shared seat

Dr. Manuelle Miller is a Veterinarian (DVM), holding a MSc in Veterinary Public Health (VPH) and Risk Management Public Policies (from ENSV), currently working as program manager and One Health (OH) focal point, within AVSF, a France-based international NGO.

Manuelle has thirteen years of experience working in multicultural and international cooperation contexts, as program/project manager in OH and VPH, currently working toward better concrete implementation of the OH approach in the field together with smallholder communities, particularly in the Global South.

Over the past years, Manuelle worked, with 3 different institutions and organizations. She worked with the French Ministry of Agriculture, as a civil servant (official vet), based in French Guyana, managing animal health official surveillance system and notification, including wildlife protection and control for plant protection. She worked with France Veterinaire International (now ENSV-FVI), based in France (Lyon), as project manager for EU or French cooperation programs with a network of 17 organizations (administration, research, training, NGOs…) working on VPH and OH topics, on capacity building of National Veterinary Services from Northern Africa and Mediterranean countries. With AVSF – Agronomes & Vétérinaires Sans Frontières, she is a program manager in charge of One Health implementation within community-based rural development projects targeting only smallholder farmers in Southern countries, with follow-up of projects in Madagascar, Senegal, Lao PDR, Cambodia, Ethiopia… 

Dr. Manuelle Miller is the vice president of the VSF-International network (13 international NGOs specializing in supporting smallholders in agriculture and livestock production, animal health, and animal welfare), and also animating a One Health technical working group within the network. 

She then relies on a vast network of professionals from both public veterinary services and rural development professionals in Southern countries, in the areas of animal health/VPH, but also rural development, including agronomy, collective organization of producers’ organizations, Community-based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM), climate change mitigation and adaptation… in around 40 countries.