Strategic Agenda

Strategic Agenda

PREZODE is based on five pillars; the strategic agenda explores a series of research themes, supporting surveillance, and operational actions for each.

Pillar 1: Understand the zoonotic risk and risk activities

  • What are zoonotic emergence risks and an interface of risk? 
  • Who are the players (bugs, hosts, and their environment) and what are the mechanisms in zoonosis emergence? 
  • What are the main drivers leading to zoonotic disease emergence? 
  • How can zoonotic disease emergence risks be anticipated?

Pillar 2: Co-design solutions to reduce the zoonotic risk

  • Using ecosystem conservation to reduce pathogen circulation between wildlife and domestic animals; 
  • Regulating and tracing activities related to wildlife; 
  • Innovative livestock management and agriculture systems; 
  • Design of urban space
  • Articulation between all the different approaches and actor engagement

Pillar 3: Strengthen early warning systems to detect zoonotic risks

  • Assessment of current surveillance systems and practices; 
  • Context-specific and user-based surveillance systems; 
  • Innovative surveillance protocols and diagnostic tools; 
  • Community-based prevention and early warning systems

Pillar 4: Prototype a global information system for surveillance and early detection

  • Interoperability and sustainability of surveillance systems and global standards; 
  • Definition of the type of surveillance and objectives of global surveillance, and identification of relevant indicators and data; 
  • Action plan linked with global surveillance; 
  • Infrastructures; 
  • Optimizing efforts to avoid duplication

Pillar 5 (cross-cutting): Engage stakeholders and co-design One Health networks and policies

  • Community involvement; 
  • Co-development of health networks and policies through a reinforced dialogue between science, civil society, and policy-makers; 
  • Policy engagement and awareness of stakeholders; 
  • Dialogue between science, civil society, and policymakers; 
  • Co-development and coordination of health networks; 
  • Promoting One Health approaches and intersectoral collaboration

A Research And Operational Roadmap

The PREZODE members adopted with a large majority (98% of the votes) the strategic agenda intended to be its research and operational roadmap for the next 10 years. The document details the knowledge gaps in research to be filled and the operational activities to be targeted over this timeframe in the medium and long term. It also provides a global impact pathway on how PREZODE will contribute to preventing emerging zoonotic diseases.

The agenda is based on the analysis of a broad multi-disciplinary participatory consultation, the largest co-design process so far in its field. Led from January 2021 to June 2022, the sessions involved professionals (i.e., researchers, stakeholders, and policymakers) from over 128 countries.

This first version is meant to evolve over time via a re-evaluation process by the PREZODE Steering Committee and the Scientific Advisory Board that will be organized every two years. The next version will provide information on how this agenda will be synchronized with other strategic agendas on related topics, such as climate change, food security, and biodiversity loss, among others.

Read the full document

Modification date: 13 February 2024 | Publication date: 24 January 2023 | By: PREZODE