Lucy Keatts member of the Steering Committee
Lucy Keatts

Lucy Keatts

Civil Society College - Shared seat

Dr. Lucy Keatts is a veterinarian and Senior One Health Advisor with Wildlife Conservation Society. Lucy graduated from the Royal Veterinary College in 2003, with a specialization in Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine, and has since worked as a wildlife veterinarian in the Caribbean, UK, India, Vietnam, Lao P.D.R., Cambodia, and the United States. 

Lucy holds a Master's in Veterinary Conservation Medicine from the University of Edinburgh. She became driven to work on the risks that wildlife trade and other anthropogenic activities pose to human and animal health, and their associations with disease emergence, whilst working in wildlife rescue in Southeast Asia just as the SARS-Coronavirus-1 emerged in China and was detected in traded wildlife. 

Since 2009, Dr Keatts has studied interactions at the wildlife-human-livestock interface, including wildlife trade surveys, wildlife mortality investigations, and surveillance for avian influenza and emerging wildlife and zoonotic pathogens, with concurrent capacity building and better integration of social and environmental sciences e.g., through the PREDICT project. She has led numerous One Health communications and training efforts. Lucy is passionate about promoting collaborative, interdisciplinary One Health approaches through a conservation lens.