Aitor Nogales member of the Steering Committee
Aitor Nogales

Aitor Nogales

Scientific College

Dr. Aitor Nogales is a researcher and PI at the Center for Animal Health Research (CISA-INIA-CSIC, Spain), a multidisciplinary research center with infrastructures to address research in human and animal health, under high biosafety facilities.

Aitor Nogales has over 20 years of research experience in the areas of molecular biology, virus-host interaction, and pathogenesis of viruses as well as the development of novel vaccination or therapeutic approaches to prevent or combat viral infections. Aside from his primary research interests, he is also interested in the importance of actions leading to preventing future zoonosis. Over the past years, Aitor Nogales has worked with institutions and organizations in Europe and USA, performing numerous studies with highly relevant pathogens that are responsible for significant zoonotic diseases. He is involved in multiple international collaborations with scientists in the areas of virology, immunology, and vaccines. His original research and review articles have appeared in different peer-reviewed journals.

Aside from his primary research fields, he is also interested in developing enabling tools that promote the development of a global bioeconomy, the democratization of biotechnology, and utilizing biotechnology to address issues concerning the environment and the food production system.

Dr. Aitor Nogales holds a BS degree in Biochemistry from the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid and received a Ph.D. with “Sobresaliente cum laude” (outstanding honor) from the same university at the National Center for Biotechnology (CNB-CSIC, Spain). He received multiple awards during his career and served as a reviewer for different research agencies.

Modification date: 24 October 2023 | Publication date: 04 August 2023 | By: PREZODE