Record of decisions

Review of the General Assembly held on October 11, 2022

The first meeting of PREZODE General Assembly was chaired by M. Jean-Luc Angot, Special Envoy of the President of the French Republic.

 Statements from government representatives:

  • Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Secretary of State to the French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, in charge of Development, La Francophonie and International Partnerships, France;
  • Nesmy Manigat, Minister of National Education and Vocational Training, Haiti
  • Papa Seck, One Health Leader and Technical Advisor to the President of the Republic of Senegal;
  • Josphat Nyika, Chief Director of the Department of Veterinary Services, on behalf of the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture and Rural Resettlement of Zimbabwe.

Reaction and comments from International Organizations

  • Maria Van Kerkhove, Emerging Diseases and Zoonoses Lead, WHO Health Emergencies Programme;
  • Jean-Philippe Dop, Deputy Director General of the World Organization for Animal Health;
  • Zelalem Tadesse, Team Leader, FAO ECTAD Kenya.

Words from the CEOs of the three institutes

Philippe Maugin, CEO INRAE, Elisabeth de Claverie, CEO CIRAD and Valérie Verdier CEO IRD. 

Synergies with international networks:

  • Constanze Riedle, International Alliance against health risk in wildlife trade, Head of GIZ Programme;
  • Nigel Sizer (Chief Global Alliances Officer with the Rainforest Alliance);
  • Hung Nguyen Viet (co-leader of Animal and Human Health Program at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI).

The interim secretariat presented the Governance, the Strategic Agenda and the perspectives on labeling.


1.    Governance

The terms of reference of the governance of PREZODE have been adopted, through a vote online from on Oct. 6 to Oct 11 -12:00 CEST.
83 voters took part in the vote, out of a  list of 93 registered voters. The question was “Do you agree with the PREZODE governance terms of reference?”. 
The answer distribution was: 98% "YES" (81 votes) and 2% "Abstain" (2 votes). The answer “No” had no selection.

Five bodies structure PREZODE’s governance: two decision-making bodies - the General Assembly and the Steering Committee, and three advisory bodies - a Scientific Council, a Donor Committee and an Ethics Committee. An Operational Secretariat coordinates the activities. These bodies will be set up in the first half of 2023. 

A call for experts for the Steering Committee and a call for expressions of interest for the Operational Secretariat are to be opened. 

2.   Strategic Agenda

The PREZODE Strategic Agenda has been presented. This agenda has been prepared on the basis of the transcription of the needs identified during the co-construction workshops held between 2021 and the first semester of 2022 .
The Members of the GA have had the opportunity to comment and discuss the proposal before and during the GA. The Strategic Agenda will be opened for a last revision until November 10, 2022 a new version will be submitted to an online vote on November 20 until November 30, 2022.

3.   A first common Working group WHO- PREZODE

WHO and PREZODE have announced the creation of a joint working group to establish a frame of indicators to quantify the risk of zoonotic disease emergence, with a deadline open call for experts set on October 31, 2022.

Next steps

Members of PREZODE are invited and encouraged to contribute to the following:

-    Voting

to endorse  the Strategic Agenda;
to set up the steering committee ( for scientific, civil society and  regional representatives);
to set up the Scientific Advisory board and the Ethics committee; 
to elect the President and Vice-President of the General Assembly.

-   Active participation to PREZODE’s reflection and knowledge production

to contribute to: 

  • working groups for each pillar, 
  • regional groups, 
  • Cross-cutting issues, ie: data management;

to propose initiatives and programs to be labeled by PREZODE; 
to engage with other relevant initiatives and programs;
to share knowledge and activities contributing to scaling up PREZODE. 

-   Funding (donors, agencies)

to raise and coordinate the funding of the programmes, projects and PREZODE’s core budget.

-    Supporting

to provide financial and in-kind support for the Secretariat, through engaging in a consortium agreement;
to provide support to regional groups (secrétariat activities, …) .

-   Promoting

Members are welcomed to act as ambassadors of PREZODE  and to contribute to the promotion and expansion of the initiative.

Attached documents: 
-    Terms of reference
-    Voting record
-    Strategic Agenda 


Publication date: 20 September 2024 | By: preozde