Open Call to apply to the Steering Committee of PREZODE

Open Call to apply to the Steering Committee of PREZODE

PREZODE is organizing the overall process to establish the Steering Committee of the initiative.

To apply to the SC, fill out the form by clicking here to provide the needed information.


On October 11th, 2022, the General Assembly of the members of PREZODE adopted the terms of reference of the initiative’s  governance with an organization in 4 main bodies:

  • A General Assembly (GA), gathering all members (signatories of the PREZODE’s letter of intent), adopting the strategy and the deliverables of the initiative,
  • A Steering Committee (SC), proposing the strategic orientations to the General Assembly
  • A Donors Committee, mobilizing and securing resources in support of the Initiative
  • The Secretariat.

Two advisory bodies complement this organization, an independent Scientific Advisory Board, and an independent Ethics Committee.
The call as mentioned above concerns the Steering Committee (SC)

Functions of the SC

The Steering Committee (SC) is the body that elaborates and submits to the GA the strategic orientations for the initiative. In particular, it:

  • submits annual work-plans and budgets for the initiative,
  • submits other strategic documents, including revisions of the Terms of Reference of the governance of the initiative,
  • submits revisions of the Strategic Agenda of the initiative every 2 years.

The SC is also the body making decisions on several actions related to the initiative. In particular, it:

  • decides on the endorsement (under PREZODE label) by PREZODE of projects, programs, and networks on the basis of the assessment by an ad-hoc working group,
  • decides on working groups or task forces on specific topics,
  • guides and reviews their activities, engages and communicates with potential partners and stakeholders.

The SC will guide the Secretariat and review its activities.

Composition of the SC

The Steering Committee is composed of 5 colleges:

  • The scientific college: 5 internationally acknowledged scientific experts, in their individual capacity, one per pillar of the initiative. Members are elected for a 2-year term by the General Assembly.
  • The Region’s college: 5 delegates, one per world region, elected for a 2-year term by the PREZODE members of the same region.
  • The One Health International Organizations college: 1 representative per signatory organisation, with a limit of 4 representatives in total.
  • The Donors Committee: 1 representative nominated by the Donors Committee.
  • The Civil Society College: 3 representatives from non-profit NGOs.

Are eligible only representatives or experts from member institutions.

Process and conditions of appointment:

The Interim Secretariat is organizing a vote with 3 elections for the establishment of the Steering Committee:

  • Election for the Scientific college: 5 scientists (1 scientist per each of the 5 pillars of PREZODE).
  • Election for the College of regions: 5 delegates (one for each of the 5 regions listed in the Terms of
  • Reference of the governance: AFRICA/AMERICAS/ASIA/EUROPE/OCEANIA - candidates have to justify their link to and expertise in the region).
  • Election for the College of civil society: 3 delegates from non-profit NGO, including non-profit
  • Foundations.

PREZODE is supporting an equitable gender balance and representation from LMICs in its governance bodies.
Applications to ensure such equity are encouraged

In case 2 member organisations would like to share a single seat in the SC, please contact the Interim
Secretariat to ensure that the practical modalities are in line with the terms of reference.

Calendar and Process

  1. The Interim Secretariat opens a call for candidates for each of the 3 colleges to be elected. One can apply for only one college. 
  2. The Interim Secretariat screens the applications to check the eligible ones according to the terms of reference.
  3. The candidacies are published on a dedicated online platform for 3 weeks.
  4. The vote will be open for 14 days.

All members will vote for the Scientific College and the College of Civil Society. The members of each of the 5
Regions will vote for the candidates of their Region.

For the Scientific College and for each pillar, the candidate getting the more votes is elected.
For the Regions’ College and for each Region, the candidate getting the more votes is elected.
For the Civil Society College, the 3 candidates getting the most votes are elected.


If you want to apply to the SC, please fill out the form:  Click here to provide the needed information and submit the following documents in English:

  • A cover letter, indicating your motivations and how you satisfy the Steering Committee's needs (2 pages max),
  • A curriculum vitae (2 pages max) and a list of publications when relevant,
  • If needed (upon request), a recommendation letter from your institution.

We encourage applicants to highlight their expertise in executive and strategic management, their scientific and/or operational expertise, their experience in networking and partnerships, at local, regional, and international scales.

Applicants for the regions and civil society colleges must provide a formal reference/recommendation letter issued by their organization.

Only complete applications received by March 7th, 2023 at 23:59 pm CET will be considered.

If you have any questions about this “Call for candidates”, please write to

Modification date: 07 February 2024 | Publication date: 23 January 2023 | By: PREZODE