Pannel Discussion with Dr. Soawapak Hinjoy, Professor Jeroen Dewulf, Dr. Teerasak Chuxnum, Pablo Sagredo Martin and Dr. Lucy Keatts

Photo highlights of GA the event in Brussels

The 2024 General Assembly, held on November 21st, marked a significant milestone in PREZODE’s journey. Hosted in a hybrid format and co-organized by the Belgian Government, the event highlighted participants' strong commitment and engagement in advancing the Initiative’s mission.

Opening Papa Seck, David Clarinval
Dr. Soawapak Hinjoy, Papa Seck, David Clarinval

Dr Papa Seck, President of the General Assembly and Chair of the meeting, opened the session with David Clarinval, Belgian’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Middle class, the Self-Employed, SMEs and Agriculture, Institutional Reform, and Democratic Renewal.

Dr. Zeev Noga
Dr. Zeev Noga, PREZODE Secretary General

Dr. Zeev Noga, Secretary General, focused on the General Assembly’s formal proceedings.

Dr. Manon Lounnas, PEPR PREZODE Coordinator
Dr. Manon Lounnas, PEPR PREZODE Coordinator

Dr. Manon Lounnas, PEPR PREZODE Coordinator, shared insights into the PEPR progress and gave an overview of the different stages of the programme.

Dr. Elsa Leger, PREZODE Global Science Officer,
Dr. Elsa Leger, PREZODE Global Science Officer,

Dr. Elsa Leger, PREZODE Global Science Officer, discussed the accomplishments of the five Pillar Working Groups

Dr. Paula Caceres, Chief Data Officer
Dr. Paula Caceres, PREZODE Chief Data Officer

Dr. Paula Caceres, Chief Data Officer, reported the first activities of the International Data Working Group.

Dr. Soawapak Hinjoy, PREZODE Vice-President
Dr. Soawapak Hinjoy, PREZODE Vice-President
Pannel Discussion with Dr. Soawapak Hinjoy, Professor Jeroen Dewulf, Dr. Teerasak Chuxnum, Pablo Sagredo Martin and Dr. Lucy Keatts
Pannel Discussion with Dr. Soawapak Hinjoy, Professor Jeroen Dewulf, Dr. Teerasak Chuxnum, Pablo Sagredo Martin and Dr. Lucy Keatts

The panel discussion on transitioning “from a pathogen-centric approach to a risk-centric approach”, was moderated by Dr. Soawapak Hinjoy, PREZODE Vice-President, featured Professor Jeroen Dewulf from the University of Ghent, Belgium, Dr. Teerasak Chuxnum, from Thailand's Ministry of Public Health, Pablo Sagredo Martin, United Nations Environment Programme, and Dr. Lucy Keatts, an expert at the Wildlife Conservation Society and member of the PREZODE Steering Committee.

Public at the pannel discussion
Public at the pannel discussion
Public at the pannel discussion
Public at the pannel discussion
Dr. Lucy Keatts, expert at the Wildlife Conservation Society and member of the PREZODE Steering Committee.
Dr. Lucy Keatts, expert at the Wildlife Conservation Society and member of the PREZODE Steering Committee.

The audience listened and interacted with Dr. Marisa Peyre, PREZODE Co-founder and Global Science Leader, introducing the PREZODE Endorsement Scheme, designed to enhance coordination and foster synergies across activities. Dr. Marisa Peyre also led a brainstorming discussion on member involvement in PREZODE’s proposal for the Pandemic Fund.

Closing remarks by Dr. Seck
Closing remarks by Dr. Seck

In his closing remarks, Dr. Seck called on PREZODE members to actively and financially contribute to the Secretariat and to the Initiative activities, reinforcing the shared commitment to the Initiative’s objective and advancing global health and environmental sustainability.