Call for the EU to Strengthen the Environmental Pillar in the One Health Approach


Together with 41 organizations, PREZODE signed a call to Olivér Várhelyi, European Union Commissioner for Health and Animal Welfare.

A Collective Effort for Stronger One Health Policies

The open letter underscores the efforts to strengthen the environmental pillar in the One Health approach expressed by the Commission

The co-signing organizations offer to bring expertise and support to: 

  • Developing an ambitious EU One Health Strategy that sets out concrete and bold actions that will truly reduce the risks of pathogen spillovers and future epidemics and pandemics of zoonotic origin.
  • Advocating for an ambitious WHO instrument to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.
  • Ensuring that the next EU budget as well as global funding instruments, such as the Pandemic Fund, place a greater priority on pandemic prevention at the source.
  • Promoting full consideration and meaningful inclusion of Indigenous Peoples, local communities, civil society organizations, and youth groups at every stage of decision-making processes in multilateral fora related to One Health.

Moving Forward

As global health challenges continue to evolve, PREZODE remains committed to strengthening interdisciplinary cooperation and advocating for policies that integrate environmental sustainability into pandemic prevention. We look forward to engaging with EU policymakers and international stakeholders to drive lasting change through a comprehensive One Health approach.

Read the full letter :