Call for papers

Call for papers

Identification and surveillance of the drivers and conditions at the source and emergence and spread of infectious diseases are crucial to provide public health systems with bio-ecological data and early warning digital signals. Submit a paper on the topics linked to these issues!

A call for papers to be published as a first-issue Supplement in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases (IJID) One Health (OH) is launched in cooperation with the International Society of Infectious Diseases (ISID), partner of the H2020 MOOD project.

In the great acceleration era of the Anthropocene, the emergence of zoonotic pathogens including those with high pandemic potential is occurring at a faster rate than in any precedent historical phase. The scientific evidence demonstrates that emergence is preceded by a combination of driving factors and events which span from global environmental changes (i.e., climate change, biodiversity loss, land use) to changes at the local scale in socio-economic conditions, food habits, and cultural trends. Epidemic intelligence aims at the early identification of potential health threats to improve timely detection and awareness of infectious disease events at the earliest stage of their emergence. Therefore, the identification and surveillance of the drivers and conditions which are recognized to promote the emergence and spread of infectious diseases are crucial to provide public health systems with bio-ecological data and early warning digital signals.

Key topics addressed in this issue include but are not restricted to:

  1. Climate and environment as drivers of infectious disease;
  2. Biodiversity loss, wildlife conservation and management, wildlife host traits;
  3. Socio-economical drivers;
  4. Innovative bioinformatics and modeling methodologies that enable risk modeling and mapping
  5. Automatic data acquisition via web-scraping

 The deadline for the article submission is 1st May 2023

See also

Guidelines for authors are available here

The International Journal of Infectious Diseases (IJID) One Health (OH) is a new open-access, peer-reviewed journal published monthly online, promotes original research and perspectives related to One Health ( Paper accepted for publication in the special issue of IJID-OH will be available online.

Modification date: 05 April 2023 | Publication date: 29 March 2023 | By: PREZODE