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How Chile works in wildlife animal health

In 2024, the Wildlife Working Group was constituted as part of the advisory boards included in the Permanent Veterinary Committee of the Southern Cone (CVP). This group is dedicated to advancing wildlife health management in the region.

Key Milestones from the 2024 Planning Meeting

 In April 2024, a planning meeting was conducted to establish the fundamental principles guiding the subsequent project phases. The meeting's key outcomes included:

  • Prioritize diseases by country, a list to define and take knowledge of.
  • Involve the key stakeholders in the wildlife disease detection network, including academic institutions, hunters, and citizens.
  • Provide training and capacity building for the CVP Wildlife group.

Strategic Areas of Focus

Each member country identified priority activities to enhance wildlife health management :

  • Developing wildlife health management models
  • Identifying gaps in current wildlife management and surveillance systems
  • Sharing IT platforms and tools to strengthen health management

An example of a platform shared for this purpose is the Dppsag IT platform, developed and implemented in the Livestock and Agricultural Service of Chile. This platform facilitates efficient wildlife health management and serves as a model for other nations.

The One Health Approach at the Core

The One Health concept represents the basis and the fundamental approach of this new working group. The next steps are to continue strengthening the different areas of work agreed upon, bringing together the best ideas and health management models used by the different working groups, which will undoubtedly strengthen wildlife health.

For more information on the CVP and its initiatives, visit