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The 2nd General Assembly of PREZODE (PREventing ZOonotic Disease Emergence) took place on 16th November 2023. Under the main topic “Strengthening Member Synergies”, the meeting emphasized the values of cooperation and collaboration which are at the core of PREZODE. The event was an opportunity to present the achievements of the international initiative since its launch in January 2021, the partnerships with International Organisations and projects progress and to inform about the implementation of its governance bodies. During the GA meeting, two calls for experts were announced, the names of the elected GA President and Vice-President were revealed and a brainstorming session led to productive exchanges between participants, bringing constructive proposals. Please find hereafter a summary of the PREZODE 2023’s GA meeting which includes links to all meeting videos and presentations.
Regional workshops from November to December 2021
Regional workshops September 2021
Regional workshops from May to July 2021

Modification date: 31 August 2023 | Publication date: 31 March 2021 | By: PREZODE